I have made a decision that some of you may not agree with, but hear me out –
I will be discussing with my doctor tomorrow the following:
I am requesting a CT scan asap to see where I’m at currently. I then am requesting a 3 month hiatus from chemo to focus on my functional/natural approach with the Ivermectin, Fenben, and massive arsenal of alternative cancer treatment drugs and supplements such as higher doses of RSO, mushroom extracts, soursop, Methylene Blue, baking soda and Ozone treatment, etc.
Additionally, switching to a Carnivore/Keto diet.
Then, repeat the CT to see my progress.
One of my biggest struggles with chemo other than the obvious side effects, is that it has diminished my quality of life significantly and has made me so weak that most days I’m unable to even cook. At the beginning I was loaded with premade meals which helped significantly but now I’m back to having to cook and when I’m on chemo, I physically can’t stand in the kitchen without passing out. As a result, and this is very hard to admit, I’ve been pretty dependent on premade, ultra processed foods that I can just heat which is about the worst possible thing I could do to myself. Additionally, it made me sick to my stomach making it to where I routinely skipped my supplements and other meds because I would just throw them back up.
Skipping this last round of chemo, I feel *almost* back to my normal self. I have lost a lot of muscle mass over the last 6 months so I’m still weak, but I feel SO. MUCH. BETTER being off the chemo – enough that I’m cooking every night, and have the energy to focus on prolonged meditations, or even doing more than one a day.
I realize most people think all of this is hokey bullshit. I need to remind my friends and family that chemo was never a cure for me. I was told point blank by more than one oncologist that the only purpose of chemo for me was to give me extra time and give me quality of life. Quite frankly, chemo cut my quality of life to a fraction of what it was. I could stand doing the chemo for as long as needed if we had any hope it was going to cure me, but that’s not the case for me. I’d rather have 6 awesome months where I feel good and can do things with my children and family, vs live 2 years being sick and miserable, being a massive burden on my children, family and friends.
That being said, I believe with my entire soul that I can beat this shit – just not the conventional western medicine way.
I also want to be clear – if after 3 months my scans haven’t improved, I will go back on chemo.
I could use your support, and help talk me off the edge when the sugar/carb cravings become unbearable. I joke around a lot about being a potato, but I’ve never succeeded in following a diet in my life, and now my life depends on it. Please check in on me and help get me through the worst of the food withdrawals. I’m sure that sounds ridiculous to most of you but I am an addict to unhealthy foods. Unfortunately, there’s no rehab for this type of addiction.
I would love your input, even if you disagree with my decision or think I’m stupid, though I will ask that you remain kind. In my heart and my gut I feel like this is the best decision for me at this time.
I love and appreciate you all