Hello friends and family,
I’d like to announce that we have officially started a meal train for Jamie and her family. If you would like to contribute a meal, please follow the link below. You will find a calendar with an option to volunteer a meal. Be sure to click “View All Details” in Recipient Info to access all of information you will need to move forward. Jamie would also welcome some help around her home. Jamie would also welcome help with some cleaning around her home, which you can also sign up for using the link below.
Jamie is doing well since her port placement, though she is having some complications that may indicate a possible infection at the surgery site. Today was her last day of work for the forseeable future. This is another poignant moment in her journey because this will be the first time Jamie has not worked since she began working as a teenager. That said, she continues to have bouts of extreme fatigue and she is looking forward to rest and giving her body a chance to fight and heal.
Jamie has also been cleared to attend her son, Freddy’s, Marine Corp graduation. Within a few days of her return she will begin her ongoing chemotherapy treatments. Her first chemo treatment is expected to take around 6 hours, followed by a PET scan the very next day.
Chemo has a number of possible side effects, so while our girl is focusing making the most of her treatments and adjusting to the after effects, we ask that you relay your questions and messages of love and support through a few specific channels, rather than to Jamie directly. You are welcome to contact me directly, through gofundme, or through the MealTrain forum. I will relay each and every message to Jamie, and do my very best to answer any questions you may have. She loves hearing from all of you, and is beyond grateful for the continued support.
Finally, although Jamie did not ask me to include this as part of her update, please continue to share this gofundme link. She has a long journey ahead of her, and is now unable to work. If you are able to contribute a financial donation, every penny will help her to pay her bills. And, as always, please, please share this gofundme.