Lots of exciting things to update you all on – I finished up my second round of chemo last week and I wont lie – it straight kicked my butt. It’s been a week and I’m still incredibly fatigued, and even though I’ve been in denial about it, I’m finally admitting I have a cold. In addition, having some gnarly side effects that aren’t so much in the normal so I will actually see an on-call provider tomorrow, 10-3 to get checked out. Basically have been having what my boyfriend affectionately calls ‘disaster pants’ of epic proportions since last evening. Obviously the main concern is becoming severely dehydrated. After speaking with an on-call provider today I’m on Imodium temporarily and if I’m still having the disaster issue I have to go to the ER. I’ll do just about anything to avoid that so I’m hydrating on a crap load of electrolytes. I am also having thinning of the mucous membranes in my nose, mouth, throat and intestines. What that translates to is a blood bath every time I have to blow my nose, raw tissues in my mouth, and acidic foods are completely out for now because they burn aaaalll the way down 🙁 The doctor tomorrow is going to assess what’s going on with me and make whatever changes necessary.
Had a consult with a Dr. Kardosh, MD up at OHSU last week as well and we will be introducing an additional immunotherapy drug to my regiment next week! This drug is newer, has only been on the market for about a year + and is specifically targeted for that asshole BRAF mutation I have. Fingers crossed for a great outcome! With luck, a whole lot of meditation (more on that in a minute) and as always, divine intervention, we are hoping to dramatically reduce the tumors and spread so that I may be a candidate for HIPEC surgery in the next 3-6 months. What is HIPEC? Here’s a link — https://www.ohsu.edu/knight-cancer-institute/hipec-surgery
Meditation…what?! It’s a story that this format doesn’t have enough characters to allow me to go into detail about but through a few amazing friends, and one incredible benefactor, I was introduced to the world of Dr. Joe Dispenza and attended a 7-day Intensive in Nashville, TN. It’s a gross over-simplification, but basically spent sun up to sun down every day for 7 full days learning to channel my energy/frequency to heal my own body. The best part about it for me, is that it’s 100% science based, and backed by an exponential amount of data and research – there was literally an entire team of researchers, scientists and doctors there, collecting blood, urine, EEG’s, etc. and we were literally learning quantum physics. WILD! I’ve been careful about what I put on Facebook but prior to Nashville I was miserable. Severe abdominal pain any time I ate and nausea (oh God, the nausea). I literally vomited on the plane landing in Nashville, and couldn’t get out of bed the entire first day we were there. We didn’t have to register until 5:30pm that Sunday and I walked to the ballroom in my pajamas because I was too weak to do anything else with myself. For the first several days I would have to nap in the morning during breakfast break because I was so wiped out. But the real best part? By day 4 I had ZERO pain, I could EAT!! And I was dancing!! I haven’t had to take any pain or nausea meds since, and how incredible is that 🙂 My labs prior to Nashville were all over the place, and 100% normal after. If you are interested in the science behind what I learned, there is a FASCINATING documentary called Source – here’s the link — https://sourcethefilm.org/
I would give anything to attend the next one in Orlando, but tickets are $2500, plus flights and hotel and at this time it’s just not feasible. Your donations have been paying all the bills, and for that I am eternally grateful.
I was telling a friend today that even with a diagnosis like this, I have had nothing but overwhelmingly positivity and blessings come out of it, so how could I possibly be anything but blessed? I don’t have my head buried in the sand, I know this is some serious shit I’m in. However, with the amount of love and generosity that has been thrown my way literally every single day, how could I possibly be mad? Or sad/depressed? I’m not saying I don’t have my (very brief) moments, but 99% of me is just focused on kicking this shit to the curb, and generally just in awe that So. Many. People have showed me kindness, love and generosity. Much of which I feel is undeserved, but am grateful for anyways!
I get asked the same question from many people – what can I do to help? One thing that has been a complete life-saver is prepped meals. My biggest issue I have right now is that I have TONS of wild game and fish, but with chemo kicking my butt, most days I just don’t have it in me to cook. I currently have antelope burger, venison burger, and salmon in my freezer. If anyone would like to pick any of it up and make literally anything with it that I can just throw in the oven or microwave, that would be a God-send! I know your next question – what the hell do I make with antelope or venison burger?! My brother grinds them with bacon, and we use it in place of hamburger – literally any recipe that calls for hamburger can be substituted with the antelope or venison. Even burger patties that have been pre-cooked or BBQed that me or the kids can microwave and throw on a bun would be super helpful. Or cooked up with spaghetti sauce and frozen, etc. I know the anti-inflammatory diet thing can be overwhelming when you’re not used to it – please don’t hesitate to reach out to me and ask if you’re awanting to help with cooking ideas <3 We also love fresh salads of literally any kind. Kale salads, Sian salads, literally anything that is easy to chop and throw together that we can graze out of for a few days is a life saver.
I’m really hoping this comes off as helpful vs a beggar being a chooser 😉 I’ve just been asked so many times I thought it would be easier to put here.
I love love love and appreciate you all so much, and thank you for your continued kindness and support. You can’t possibly know what each and every single one of you mean to me!