***UPDATE*** CT doesn’t show a ton of remarkable changes, however it does show several lesions have shrunk a little bit, and overall all the lesions are less dense, and no new metastases!! So we’re going with the ‘ole slow and steady wins the race game baby steps are still steps when they’re in the right direction. I won’t lie that I was hoping for a more miraculous and dramatic result, but that’s what I expect with everything in my life lol I’m gonna keep on keepin on I do have another consult with OHSU Dec 13th as they are also monitoring my progress. I want that HIPEC surgery but we have to continue to shrink everything in order for me to be a candidate. I fully expect them to tell me to give it another 3 months and then to check back in again. Patience – never my strong suit
I would greatly appreciate continued prayers, GoFundMe shares and donations – I have several things in the works as far as government assistance through all of this but $ is dwindling fast with all the alternative medicine, bills and mortgage. To be honest, come January I’m not entirely sure how things are going to work out. That being said, I have an incredible tribe of family, friends and community and I KNOW things will fall into place.
Thank you again for your continued love – I love each and every one of you!!!
Time for labs and CT to see what progress is being made! I will have a full blown update later today once results are received Fingers crossed !!